About 5D Healing


What is 5D Healing ?

7 Planes of Consciousness

In this model of reality, Creation is comprised of seven planes of Existence.

  • The lowest of these is the Physical Plane, the Third Dimension (or 3D), where we spend the waking part of our Earthly lives.  It is the most dense, and most resistant to change.
  • The next higher plane is the Astral Plane, the Fourth Dimension (or 4D), which we visit in dreams, and where we reside between lives.  It is more malleable, more fluid than 3D.
  • The next higher plane is the Causal Plane, the Fifth Dimension (or 5D), which is as different from the Astral as the Astral is from the Physical.

Read more about Planes of Consciousness

The Causal Plane (5D)

The Causal Plane is a realm of Love and Wisdom, beyond Duality, and beyond Time, as we know it.

It is inhabited by those who have learned all the lessons the Earth Plane has to offer, and Cycled Off to continue their evolution on. higher planes. They know us to be intrinsic parts of  themselves, and realize they cannot continue their Return to Source without taking us with them.

And so they offer a variety of healing techniques (or Tech), to help ease our mastery of 3D based upon their expanded Consciousness.

Read more about the Causal Plane

The Nature of 5D Healing

Because 5D Healing comes to us from a plane beyond Duality, beyond Time, it is filled with a Wholeness in and of itself.  (Perhaps this Wholeness is its very nature.). When we practice 5D Healing techniques, we are infused with this Wholeness, which is uplifting, inspiring, and transformative.

Let the Techniques Work Themselves

Because 5D techniques are composed of a Wholeness beyond Duality, they essentially work themselves.  The most appropriate attitude is to let the techniques work themselves.  We need not be experts, nor execute them perfectly  ––  we need only focus, set our Intention, invoke the energy, and watch as it unfolds organically.

Read more about 5D Healing

The Unified Field

The single, most important 5D Healing technique is the Unified Field.  It is easy to learn, and makes all the other techniques possible.

Most of us are aware that we have seven Chakras in the body, each of which focalizes a different aspect of our Consciousness.  The third Chakra, in the Solar Plexus, is the focus of our personal Power.  The fourth Chakra, in the Heart, is the focus of our Love.  In a non-Unified State, these functions push in different directions.  We can express Power that is disconnected from Love, and possibly cause harm to others.  We can express Love without Power, which is relatively ineffective.

When we Unify our Field, these different functions become merged together, into One Field of Light, which is Conscious of its own Divinity and act accordingly, all working together in Harmony.

In addition to the seven internal chakras, there are another seven above the head.  They are already present, just waiting to be recognized, and invited to join the Dance.  These higher chakras correspond to our higher functions, and to higher Planes of Consciousness.

  • The Eleventh Chakra corresponds to the Causal Plane (5D).
  • The Twelfth corresponds to the Messianic Plane (6D).
  • The Thirteenth corresponds to the Buddhaic Plane (7D).
  • The Fourteenth corresponds to Source (or the Tao).

When we Unify our Fields, we literally include these higher Planes in our personal energy field.  This connects us intimately to the beings dwelling there, and makes it possible for them to help and guide us.

It’s worth mentioning that our Essence (Higher Self, Soul) resides on the Causal Plane (5D).  By including the Eleventh Chakra in our Unified Field, we deepen our connection to our own Soul, making it easier for it to Guide us.

Read more about the Unified Field

Practice the Unified Field with a Video

Practice the Unified Field with Audio and Text versions

Spirit Medicine includes a Chapter on the Unified Field

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