The Unified Field

The Unified Field

The Unified Field

Here are some significant facts about the Unified Field:

  • It’s easy to learn, and is the basis for all other 5D Tech.
  • It takes about 9 minutes for the full version, which is how one begins to master the technique.
  • Practicing the full version of the Unified Field daily for two weeks trains the Field to adopt it instantly.
  • Once established, the Unified Field can be invoked with a series of Fibonacci numbers.  This takes just a minute or two.
  • With further mastery of this technique,  it can be invoked with a verbal command:  Unify Field !
  • The ultimate goal of this technique is to live in this State constantly.  When achieved, this makes the higher dimensions constantly present to guide us.  
  • When in the Unified Field, life flows with more Grace and Ease, being constantly guided by Spirit.
  • Here is a simple way to tell when we are not in the Unified Field:  any time we are fretting about the past,  or worried about the future, we are not in the Unified Field.  This can become a reminder to re-establish it.
  • When we are not in the Unified Field, we draw energy from our Pranic Reserve, depleting it over time.  When we are in the Unified Field, we draw energy effortlessly from the environment, through our Field.  In this way, we can accomplish more, while expending less energy.  As a result, we extend our lifespan.

    Mastery of the Unified Field  ––  when we live there constantly––  takes time.  But it more than repays all our efforts.

    To live in the Unified Field, is to live in the Present.  To live in the Present is to live in Eternity.

    Om Svaha !

    Download these facts as PDF

    Command Codes – Fibonacci Sequence

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