Victory of Love – Montage Version

This song is based on the 5D concept that lower frequency attitudes are based on Fear, while higher frequencies are based on Love. In these turbulent times, when there is so much fear, anger, and confusion rampant, it is a reminded that the final Victory of Love is inevitable, however rocky the road.

What is 5D ?

Hopefully, by the time you read this, the video of the complete workshop will be available.

Spirit Dance Me – Live version

This is an original song written by Peter, given its public debut at a 5D Lightwaves Gathering in Petaluma, CA.

This song is based on an African Shamanic practice of inviting the Ancestors to join our celebration, energizing and uplifting our dancing by their participation. In this case, it calls on the Dancing Masters, a 5D group of healers that guide and inspire expression through movement of all sorts:  dance, yoga, sports, martial arts, etc.

Unified Field Meditation

The Unified Field is the most fundamental practice of the Council of One.  When our field is unified, it becomes easy to connect with Spirit, and work with 5D healing energies.

This is a series of meditations that build on and enhance each other : Unified Field, Spinning the Field, Stabilizing the Field, Grounding into Spirit, and Breathing in Grace Elohim (the Silver Ray).

Recorded live at a 5D Lightways Gathering in Petaluma, CA, in May 2016.

River of Life – Montage Version

This song almost wrote itself one day when I was exploring a new piece of 5D Tech, the Telepathic Image Release. I grabbed a pad of paper, and wrote as quickly as I could, to capture the inspiration while it was live.

The song performed live at the Throckmorton Theater in Mill Valley. This is a recording of that performance, with video montage added.

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