About Peter

Who is Peter ?

Peter is a lifelong student of metaphysics and mysticism.  He has been a member of the Arica School for fifty years, in addition to studying Yoga, Tai Chi, Shamanism, and other practices.

In the 1990s, as a classroom teacher, he was introduced to Dennis Gray and Socratic Seminars, which was a life altering experience.  This plunged him into studying Neoplatonism, and led to a consulting career, training classroom teachers to lead Socratic Dialogue in the classroom.  He wrote two books on his method, which he calls The Dialogue Game.

Read more about The Dialogue Game


In 2012, he met Susannah Redelfs, who introduced him to the Council of One and the Michael Teachings, two complementary channels of 5D Teachings.  The Michael Teachings are strongest in terms of information, including invaluable maps of the Soul’s journey;  the Council of One are strongest in terms of practical techniques (or Tech), that act directly on the mind, body, emotions, and Spirit, catalyzing powerful transformations in Consciousness.

Taken together, the Michael Teachings and the Council Tech provide the powerful basis for a life lived in harmony with Spirit.

Read Peter’s CV

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