Cosmic Shamanism

Cosmic Shamanism

Soul Retrieval

The act of Soul Retrieval –– gathering and reclaiming lost parts of our psyche –– has been the province of Shamans who exist in all indigenous cultures of the planet:  Native American, African, Australian, Siberian, and others too numerous to mention.  Each of these cultures recognizes the inherent human need for Soul Medicine, or the process of reclaiming, healing, and reintegrating lost and damaged parts of the psyche.

Each indigenous shamanic tradition is an expression of the culture in which it arose.  Although the terms, concepts, and practices of each tradition differ in detail, they are similar in their goal:  reintegrating all parts of the Soul into a more complete, greater synthesis.

The Mediation Corps healers have evolved far beyond the parameters of earthly existence, and the inherent limitations of any one specific culture.  We might call their province Universal or Cosmic Shamanism.

Grand Cycles

According to the Michael Teachings, we are all currently undergoing a Grand Cycle on Earth.  We are here to experience all the dimensions of the human psyche, in order to develop our Soul’s wisdom, and ultimately feed the Source with the multi-dimensionality of our shared experience.

Michael says we have all lived other Grand Cycles on other worlds where sentient life arises:  the Pleiades, Orion, Lyra, Arcturus, Sirius  ––  all have deep resonance in our collective consciousness, because many of them have been Home to us.

From their perspective in the mid-Causal, where Time doesn’t exist, Michael and the Mediation Corps perceive that the same cosmic principles governing Human evolution also find similar expression on all other inhabited planets.  The tone, flavor, emphases of each sentient species does differ.  But rather than repeating any experiment in consciousness, Source chooses to enjoy an infinite variety of conscious experience.

Since all this experience will inevitably return to  ––  and be reintegrated into Source  ––  it all emerges from, and expresses, the same ground of Principles.  In other words, all the Forms that Plato describes  ––  Justice, Beauty, Truth, Love, etc.  ––  are the same eternal Principles that guide conscious evolution on other inhabited planets.  We all emerge from the same Source, live on the foundation of the same Principles, and return to the same Source, bringing our Love and Wisdom home.

The Mediation Corps, having graduated from the womb of Earth, can observe the evolutionary process of all sentient species in the galaxy.  The Cosmic Shamanism they practice can help us to heal and integrate all our Soul experience in all prior Grand Cycles.

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