Shamanic Psychologists

Shamanic Psychologists

Speciality Groups

The Mediation Corps is one of four specialty groups in the Council of One.  They may be described as upper dimensional psychologists, but this term needs clarification.  In today’s world, psychologists are seen as experts in treating mental and emotional imbalances.  This is considered distinct and separate from the focus of body therapies, as well as clergy, priests, and others who tend the well-being of the Soul.

Unfortunately, Western psychology has lost its way, become over-specialized, and forgotten the meaning of its name.  The Greek root, psyche, means breath, life, Soul.  Where is the attention to Soul in Western psychology ?

Consider the effect of the Unified Field meditation.  It unifies the seven chakras in the body with seven above the head.  This brings all the smaller, specialized fields into one larger field, with all functions in harmonious balance.  According to this model of consciousness, Western psychology is oblivious to more than half of the capacities of the human psyche.

These forgotten seven chakras, and the issues and energies they focalize, open the higher dimensions of the Soul.  And they are all part of the territory tended by the Mediation Corps.

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