Ananda is the Bliss part of Sat-Chit-Ananda. The most precious to realize, because it brings transcendant sweetness to everything.
As divine beings, we can call down Ananda for others.
And when the Whales join us, all dimensions echo with joyous sound.
Baba HanumanA Hindi song in praise of Hanuman, an early proto-humanoid, whose devotion helped defeat the demon king, Ravana, reuniting Rama with his beloved, Sita. So we praise Hanuman, all sharing in the blessing of his accomplishment.
The Whales demonstrate an intuitive grasp of this ancient, divine human tale, and join their voices in celebration.
It Stoned MeVan Morrison drank deeply from the well of Celtic mysticism to bring us this gorgeous song.
The Whales swim in, resonate with this, and join in celebrating the water of Life. Oh, the water !